Air Handler


Our next-gen air handler system can be integrated with different types of cleanrooms without any problem. It is fabricated to work well with the R410A refrigerant, thereby maintaining environment-friendliness and sustainability at the highest levels. The air handler can operate within a wide temperature range, from -30 degrees Fahrenheit to 115 degrees Fahrenheit. As a result, it can be integrated with cleanrooms meant for different applications.


What Sets Our Modules Apart?

Also, it comes with 50 Hz and 60 Hz frequency configuration so that it can be further integrated with different electrical conduits. The MERV ratings vary from 7 to 14, which is why the air handler can be used in varying environments without failing in delivering the expected performance.

Advanced Climate Control

MORDEC’s air handler system elevates cleanroom air quality management by incorporating advanced climate control features, including integrated air conditioning and precise temperature control. This comprehensive approach not only ensures the purity of the environment but also delivers a consistent and tailored climate, meeting diverse customer needs.

Energy-Efficient Scroll Compressor Technology

Efficiency is paramount in MORDEC’s cleanroom air handler system, evident in its advanced scroll compressor technology. With a multi-circuit and staged configuration, the system optimizes performance and energy efficiency. Tailored for retrofitting applications requiring superior efficiency, this technology aligns with MORDEC’s commitment to cutting-edge and environmentally conscious solutions.

Building Management System Integration

MORDEC’s cleanroom air handler system boasts a sophisticated microprocessor with diverse Building Management System (BMS) interfaces. This design facilitates seamless integration into complex installations, offering unparalleled flexibility and reliability. The system adapts effortlessly to intricate cleanroom setups, enhancing overall efficiency.

Customizable Filtration Options

MORDEC’s cleanroom air handler system stands out with customizable filtration options, offering filters with MERV ratings from 7 to 14. Users can fine-tune filtration levels based on specific cleanroom requirements. This adaptability ensures effective and tailored indoor air quality maintenance, making the system suitable for diverse cleanroom environments.

Our Amazing Clients

At Mordec, we prioritize client satisfaction by delivering tailored solutions that meet industry standards. Our commitment to excellence extends to providing state-of-the-art products and services for a diverse range of client needs in cleanroom environments.

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